Monday, December 29, 2008

How To Get Free Digital Playground Movies

Restaurants low-cost flights to New Year?

As this year there are big news: in the short (as usual) free time I'm cleaning up the database of restaurants by a lot of obsolete information the data with those of the telephone directories. I'll have for a long time '...

Among the "known facts" in the year-end there is a spike in access to Potato Tortelli, the website dedicated to good and affordable restaurants in Florence and Tuscany. Given the winds of crisis, I know that many are looking for a place for a New Year flights.

Happy New Year to all!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pakistani Walima Invitation Urdu Wording

This summer has been chased from the web reports of sightings of the cars that Google "mapped" the Italian roads. And here the images published in "street level" of our city.

The images are visible in Google Maps that with Google Earth, which released a couple of screen-shot: the ball with the camera is a 360 degrees photo, clicking it will enter into the picture. For the record ... images refer to the intersection Lavagnini Avenue and Freedom Square in Florence.

There is much to enjoy. For example, it would be funny if someone try to find and recognize ... I noticed that the faces were blurred and the car number plates. But not all the plates ... if you've forgotten some! :-) For example, the SUV in no parking on the corner of Via Masaccio Scialoia and so has the number plate clearly legible.

Brigade, a force!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Daughters Temperature 96.5

Google Street View in Florence and the farm

Da Google Analytics

The above is the graph of visitors My Waypoint Database for the month of October (blue line), compared to those of September (gray line). There is a steady growth, but catches the eye especially the peak of three days of riding earlier this month that I have absolutely no understanding of what is due.

You should know that your site visitors come almost exclusively from the search engines (ie Google). This is normal. Indeed, it is intended, since the site is built right in to expose all of its pages to Google (Waypoints are more than 50,000, mostly belonging to the category of Italian restaurants and then the pages are at least as many) and be easily found by those looking for a certain room.

Well, in those days everything was normal: the approximately 250 visitors per day more (which have double the visits of the site) come from Google, but there is no keyword that has dominated more than usual, and are spread over all the pages in the same way. Well ... mystery. My guess is that, for some unfathomable reason, in those days the site had unusually high placement on Google.

The other strange thing is that research carried out over the last month was "Places of Pitti" , but with a frequency of 4 times the runner! E 'Masseria organizing a wedding ... Why do so many people seek it? and above all, why come to my site? The answer to that question could come from the fact that the site of the farm is a page green (just), which leads consumers who have the search to find information on other sites (now mywpdb comes fifth in order of relevance, research on that),

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sample Of Reques Of Disconnection

geographic Types in SQL Server 2008

Yesterday I was at Microsoft Days Event 2008 here in Florence. They did see several interesting things, most which has little to do with the geographic web (but I am very interested in things I do for work, as the new Entity Framework, which looks really impressive).

The last session was dedicated to SQL Server 2008 , I have seen some very interesting demonstrations of new SQL Server data type that is coordinates of . They can be either geometric regions. So far nothing special (not that it takes a great science to implement self-fields of latitude and longitude). But the great thing is that there's a whole series of functions such as calculating the distance between two points, two points and a line, calculate the area of \u200b\u200ba polygon, determine if a point is inside or outside a polygon, and so on. In short, handy stuff, and calculations very complicated to implement on their own, especially if we want accurate results (ie not approach the Earth to a sphere, for example ...).

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Johnson Bros Dinnerware Old English

"arrangement!" From camels to Google Analytics

My Waypoint Database has a form to report errors, designed especially for operators of restaurants (and the like) that "seek" and find incorrect information about its structure.

usually receive telegraphic communication but courteous. But a few days ago I received the following message: wrong address, wrong phone, visit . But it costs so much just tell me the correct data? but above all ... send me to a site unless you tell me which one?? Ok, calm and plaster. With Google I quickly found the site by the name of the structure, usually useless Flash site, but the beauty is that even there the address is very vague ...

But reporting the most fun I got a few months ago. I was kindly pointed out that the structure was " three centimeters to the left." Now, he meant to exclude real property (not even the military have the GPS precision!), Surely spoke of the Google map. But at what level of the zoom were viewing? what size your monitor? Already I see the type (or girl, we do not know) that supports the centimeter the monitor to measure the exact distance ... :-)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thank Message After The Wedding

Il mondo dal dorso di cammello (che poi è un dromedario)

Oh no! I could not let go through September without a single post. By August I have a good excuse: the camel (which was a camel) there was no wireless connection. :-) [The photo dates back to August 12, shortly after dawn on the dunes of Erg Chebbi in Morocco .]

a month September was pretty messed up. But earlier this month, I found time to add the functionality of Google Analytics to My Waypoint database to potato ravioli and Florence Bike Pages and I discovered the fine.

Le Florence Bike Pages are not all the traffic that seemed. Not having statistics on site before the upgrade, I can not know if I'm lost traffic as a result of the restructuring, or was it even earlier. It should be noted that all the old pages are redirected to the new one. What is certain is that the absence of photo galleries probably weighs enough. At the top of my to-do-list, now is the restoration of photo galleries, I'm working on. In return, the site appears to affect users, since the bounce is low (I think), on the order of 30%.

Incredible, however, the performance of My Waypoints database: During the month of September has almost doubled its traffic, with a peak of nearly 500 visitors in one day yesterday. However, the high bounce rate (80%); probilmente consequence of the way in which users get which usually is the search for a specific restaurant: users see the restaurant page, find the information they seek (we hope) and are not interested in going further. I have to work on this thing, to urge users to "use" the site, which is very rich in functionality (but maybe hard to understand ...).

is starting to "engage" even potato ravioli, which had a beginning stunted. The increase visits regularly, but especially the bounce rate, as high (50%) is much better than the site "father."

Friday, August 1, 2008

Ibm Thinkcentre Audio Drivers

August, my computer does not know you

Grande Gianni! A whole month without a single post ... Ok, it must be said that every spare moment has been absorbed from organizing the trip to Morocco and to prepare new and updated version of Florence Bike Pages. Two days ago I finally put online ...

Florence Bike Pages

Yes, OK ... We still lack a lot of stuff, but can not be worse than before, including broken links, missing pages, information obsolete (those are still there, at least in part) was surprising that he still had visitors.

How to Morocco ... I'm not that obsessed with something unexpected, I wanted to plan too much? mah ... ok, this is the first time we go out from Europe, the first time we do a holiday air + car and so on. Anyway ... we'll see!

But now my to-do-list pre-holiday is basically empty. In twenty minutes switch off this computer and re-kindle only August 25. And we hope that the good sites do!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Denise Milani What Happened To Her

My Waypoint DB in technicolor!

The waypoint My WayPoint DB have now colored icons instead of the default. It 'been a struggle even though almost all of the code was ready for some time.

In fact I had already implemented the icons from the very first version, but there was a problem when there were too many placeholders all became very slow. It was not a problem with the icons, but the fact that the map Always shows all waypoints, even appiccicatissimi (at low zoom levels) or off (more zoom levels).

ovviai Then using (and creating) an external source XML to the Waypoint. But gave a problem with custom icons that have never been able to resolve (the anchor point of the icon was not the right one, so the icons pointing a pretty fancy place, zooming in and moved up to go very close to correct). So, no icons.

There were two other problems with the XML: the first was that the detail page (accessed from the cartoon) is always opened in another window, the second was that if the XML loaded, the map was left completely blank (something incomprehensible to the user, who did not receive any error, but did not see even the waypoint).

Now I finally implemented the "waypoint manager of Google Maps. No more external XML, perhaps a tad bit slower (because the data is all within the page), but everything is much simpler and more direct (and there are the icons!).

Monday, June 16, 2008

Where Can You Buy Supra Shoes

Road to Morocco ... Nelli

Nel deserto vicino a Merzouga

Your affectionate is preparing to travel this summer. No camper, though. En route to Morocco (car hire on the spot). I say all that is beautiful. I can not wait to spend the atlas and see what's there.

Meanwhile, my database of Waypoints (My WyPoint DB) is beginning to enrich a little something about Morocco. Very, very little, for now. The network is not negligible. Nor is there any GPS mapping ... TomTom has announced the release of the maps, but with a very partial coverage.

I found a map for Garmin that I could use with GIS Russa , except that the map is still quite rudimentary ... the problem is that Gis Russa is registered (it's shareware), and I would do, only that the site rejects my credit card and is successful even pay with PayPal. What to do?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Reply After Interview


I have to say thanks to good Nelli (Helena) for his blog on citylife Florence. I LOVE FLORENCE is one of my daily readings. Thanks, even more, for having published a review on my mini pizza Calypso of Florence, "pass" the link to potato ravioli.

The link led to several visits to the site, further evidence of what the blog is Nelli below. I LOVE FLORENCE is probably one of the most popular blog, here in Florence. He had also recognized in the offline world, having been mentioned several times in the local press.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Atheros Drivers Linux

And now ... it on a mobile (PDA, etc.).

I started doing the first tests to bring my mobile sites on the WEB! It's actually a good effort, since the controls are very few. In the end I did almost everything by hand. However the result does not seem at all bad. Graphics zero, all the text. Obviously.

E 'already can browse the database and My Waypoint DB Displayed data of several places with their comments. I did not put the coordinates, but I will as soon as possible. The point is that the system only transfer them to your navigation system is copied by hand.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Can U Stop Xbox Live Membership From Reaccuring

Tortelli are ... The wine cooked

Here they are ... tortelli potatoes were cooked, (quickly) photographed and eaten. They were not bad but not exceptional. I would give a six and a half of encouragement. But I could finally put an image relevant to the home page of potato ravioli

Friday, May 16, 2008

Primary Hiv One Two Lymph Nodes


Today I was looking on the internet reviews of restaurants Florentine to link in my database, and possibly on WayPoint potato ravioli (if cheap and worthy). When I run the page you see below.

Now ... I should also be quiet, because my lyrics are full of more horrors typing, but they missing in the wine shop ... speaking of wine ... weak!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Christmas Cards Welsh

I found leo

Yes .. I drew a bloody steak and I closed the cellar, now expect the owner if he is to resume. I hope it arrives before I destroy everything.

But let's step back ... Last week someone in Rome you lost a leopard . And to find it opened the blog hopersoleo and, of course, to attack the usual cards at traffic lights with the picture of big cat of 80 kg. Then someone who works at Subway put this footage confirming that Leo is doing well.

Truth or fiction?

The second I said. Apart from the folly of the whole story, the movie already in the comments someone notes that a person can be seen in subway tranqullamente session. Do not know about you, but if my car subway there was a leopard, I would not be quiet I would read the newspaper. And then ... enough to investigate a bit 'to find out that the part with the map of sightings of Leo is the domain ; simply query the whois database to discover that the contact email is on the domain : just happened that makes creative communications agency on the Internet.

At this point it remains only a doubt: the whole process only serves to prove what they are capable (their agency), or is intended to promote some product? I hope the second one, because I'm anxious to watch the developments of the matter.

Subaru Wrx All Season Tires Verses Summer Tires

Poppies and irises

Last Saturday I did a bike ride up to St. Andrew in Percussina. Bello. Climb Via Volterra was not the best, most for traffic than for the slope (which is no joke, thank goodness that they are only 100 meters in altitude).

top of the hill, when it had given the bottom of all my few resources here that I find the scenario of the picture: a dry stone wall, the irises, olive trees and blue sky. And the poppies. Too bad all the wires. But never learn, in Italy, to take care of the landscape?

This route, I believe, will end soon on Florence Bike Pages, expect that from time immemorial to be completely rewritten. Have now reached 10 years.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

How To Tell Number Of Channels On An Amp

Tortelli ... real ones

last Sunday to show of I begged (it appears that I have just read the last "Montalbano by Andrea Camilleri?) a packet of pasta filled with potatoes to make a picture which is used in the site and now there is only to cook and find a way to take a decent photo. But first I have to wait for mom (yes!) Make a sauce.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

There Is No Water In My Toilet Bowl

Tortelli served

Ca .. fly! It 'a month since I update my blog. I have to remember to do it more often. This month has seen the birth of a child of My Waypoint DB , the site . For the uninitiated, the potato ravioli are a kind of ravioli potatoes typical of the Mugello.

The site works much like his older brother, only that it is entirely dedicated to good cheap restaurants in Florence and Tuscany . I had always dreamed of doing a site review in which the places where you can eat well without being plucked like chickens, and here it is ... has just gone on-line and in these days I'm putting the finishing touches. Obviously, the database is the same as the other site. , having a category "fixed", it is much simpler than the ovvimente My Waypoint DB , although in the end ... the mechanism is the same. I imported in

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Kannada Quotes For Wedding Invitations

Athletes for Christ in school sports with Totti to educate non-violent non-stop roller

Rush to the library my friends to buy this book, really for sale!
Here is the preface:

" Francis showed in all these years his human qualities, with the example that he gave in so many ways. If others behave as he would be good for football. "Bruno Conti

And here's what it is in some chapters

1: Respect for teachers and for those who must judge, education, peace, Francesco Rizzoli here with the referee.

2: sportsmanship, respect for opponents, friendship off the field, objectivity, here is our great champion in a league game.

3: The class, education, self control, hygiene, another great example of the mythical Totti.

4: Here is a typical example of maturity, honesty, peace and respect, Go Francis!

5: And finally, the highest and most striking example of what is a great champion, a man staid, always ready for dialogue, even in the field, and turn the other cheek ...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Skinny Woman Big Boobs

If it is a challenge I accept it gladly ...

... and the win also, no one can roll faster and better than me!

лорна морган

Thank goodness for Silvio! Separated at birth

Hello everyone,
waiting to receive photos of the party of the century, with which I will attempt the thankless task of telling the exciting phases, I carry out thanking all those who were there, and above all the celebrated Kate and Jamie.

But a special and heartfelt thanks goes to the legendary Father of Woodland Mews, a character which I had heard about but had never had the pleasure to know ... but I am sure you will recover quickly for lost time!

And this is the link on the song!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thick Yellow Chunky Mucus

Finally a new, double, new entry!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Norfloxacin Tinidazole Equivalent

MILAN! I have the intimate

This post is very painful.
But are things that go unsaid. I would ask
Milani, like me, how it is possible that yesterday, bad game of Milan, of course, bad time for Milan, of course, out of the Champions, of course, difficulties in the championship ... but I would ask, how fuck you can challenge the team, the Company, Paolo Maldini and God?
But shit you have lost your memory or like me, less than a year ago (see photo attached), is celebrating the European Cup?
is wrong or three months ago we became world champions and most successful team of all time?
E, Holy shit, did it again when I seem to remember that the most successful team of all time (I love this case!) We are now after these 20 incredible years, we have all lived, and no fan of no other team in the world has ever, or ever, can live a life?
So I wonder, brother Milan, instead of challenging it would be better to applaud those who have given us these joys, even in difficult times? Do you think it is better to blow the whistle? Maybe you
wrong team ...

Ps when these are understandable and ungenerous crisis of resistance because there go and see the pictures of all the many, and recent successes?!
guys but if we do not give us an example, considering also the time the general, who should give?!

Ps2: ... I must also say that those who, for example, Rome-Milan Rome tifafa because Inter did not win the Scudetto, it makes me quite a bit sad ...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Does Blackberry Work In Dubai

Coming ethnic restaurants

My Waypoint Database three lists of ethnic restaurants: Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, and those who are always in excellent POIGPS ; for the other categories (I know ... Thai, Arabic, Indian, Greek, English, etc ...)? suggestions for good sources?