Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Johnson Bros Dinnerware Old English

"arrangement!" From camels to Google Analytics

My Waypoint Database has a form to report errors, designed especially for operators of restaurants (and the like) that "seek" and find incorrect information about its structure.

usually receive telegraphic communication but courteous. But a few days ago I received the following message: wrong address, wrong phone, visit . But it costs so much just tell me the correct data? but above all ... send me to a site unless you tell me which one?? Ok, calm and plaster. With Google I quickly found the site by the name of the structure, usually useless Flash site, but the beauty is that even there the address is very vague ...

But reporting the most fun I got a few months ago. I was kindly pointed out that the structure was " three centimeters to the left." Now, he meant to exclude real property (not even the military have the GPS precision!), Surely spoke of the Google map. But at what level of the zoom were viewing? what size your monitor? Already I see the type (or girl, we do not know) that supports the centimeter the monitor to measure the exact distance ... :-)


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