Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Daughters Temperature 96.5

Google Street View in Florence and the farm

Da Google Analytics

The above is the graph of visitors My Waypoint Database for the month of October (blue line), compared to those of September (gray line). There is a steady growth, but catches the eye especially the peak of three days of riding earlier this month that I have absolutely no understanding of what is due.

You should know that your site visitors come almost exclusively from the search engines (ie Google). This is normal. Indeed, it is intended, since the site is built right in to expose all of its pages to Google (Waypoints are more than 50,000, mostly belonging to the category of Italian restaurants and then the pages are at least as many) and be easily found by those looking for a certain room.

Well, in those days everything was normal: the approximately 250 visitors per day more (which have double the visits of the site) come from Google, but there is no keyword that has dominated more than usual, and are spread over all the pages in the same way. Well ... mystery. My guess is that, for some unfathomable reason, in those days the site had unusually high placement on Google.

The other strange thing is that research carried out over the last month was "Places of Pitti" , but with a frequency of 4 times the runner! E 'Masseria organizing a wedding ... Why do so many people seek it? and above all, why come to my site? The answer to that question could come from the fact that the site of the farm is a page green (just), which leads consumers who have the search to find information on other sites (now mywpdb comes fifth in order of relevance, research on that),


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