Friday, October 17, 2008

Sample Of Reques Of Disconnection

geographic Types in SQL Server 2008

Yesterday I was at Microsoft Days Event 2008 here in Florence. They did see several interesting things, most which has little to do with the geographic web (but I am very interested in things I do for work, as the new Entity Framework, which looks really impressive).

The last session was dedicated to SQL Server 2008 , I have seen some very interesting demonstrations of new SQL Server data type that is coordinates of . They can be either geometric regions. So far nothing special (not that it takes a great science to implement self-fields of latitude and longitude). But the great thing is that there's a whole series of functions such as calculating the distance between two points, two points and a line, calculate the area of \u200b\u200ba polygon, determine if a point is inside or outside a polygon, and so on. In short, handy stuff, and calculations very complicated to implement on their own, especially if we want accurate results (ie not approach the Earth to a sphere, for example ...).


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