Friday, August 1, 2008

Ibm Thinkcentre Audio Drivers

August, my computer does not know you

Grande Gianni! A whole month without a single post ... Ok, it must be said that every spare moment has been absorbed from organizing the trip to Morocco and to prepare new and updated version of Florence Bike Pages. Two days ago I finally put online ...

Florence Bike Pages

Yes, OK ... We still lack a lot of stuff, but can not be worse than before, including broken links, missing pages, information obsolete (those are still there, at least in part) was surprising that he still had visitors.

How to Morocco ... I'm not that obsessed with something unexpected, I wanted to plan too much? mah ... ok, this is the first time we go out from Europe, the first time we do a holiday air + car and so on. Anyway ... we'll see!

But now my to-do-list pre-holiday is basically empty. In twenty minutes switch off this computer and re-kindle only August 25. And we hope that the good sites do!


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