Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Trnasfo Balun Antenne Uhf


Ahhhhhhh the shock, I just got the shock eh?!
You go to spring and all minds are awakened, the hormones come out of hibernation and starts eager to stretch his unerring bow! And who will
pierced this time? Well there's a couple that struck me and softened, it comes neoinnamorati Donatella Papi and Angelo Izzo. She
journalist with extensive experience and credibility, he lifer murderer, serial killer, pedophile, sex maniac, schizophrenic, psychopathic Inter fan and I think also, just to confirm that it is just one of the worst things in Italian history.
Well these two tender lovers are about to tie the lawful marriage, though he is, fortunately all of humanity behind the bars of a prison.
And now I guess the ceremony, with her pure white dress him inside and outside the bars, tied upright on a stretcher, to Hannibal Lecter, to be clear that the question of the prelate replied in the affirmative by hissing his tongue between his lips, that poem, what joy!
And at the end of the ceremony and give me imagine them turning their backs to the crowd of guests, thieves, murderers, rapists, and throw the bouquet of chrysanthemums, ready to be seized by the next lucky, and then I see them running to take refuge in cell enjoy the physicality of their feelings ... and who knows if we'll have more news about her!
Needless to say that this magical love story reminds me of other romances, which the couple Margherita / Johnny La Sierpe, or how not to mention Catherine / Joaosaprofita, just to name a few! Good
ammore at all.


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