Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cb Radio Channels Houston


I enclose a thing that I found on another blog, very interesting, and above all true and verifiable, for once let's be serious!

Everything you're about to read is not 'AN INVENTION!
To show that it is all true, are basically set of links to some important documents that are on your network to ensure all (you can also do searches on google)

These are the facts involving Pope Ratzinger, the cardinals more important and a lot of pedophile priests for years and years and which still continue to involve many people, but that most of the mass media has always refused to circulate (in Italy it was only Annozero to occupy a minimum, the criticism among the general).
The purpose of this chain is that everyone, especially those who believe and have faith in the Church, what it actually does, and why the facts are in a very concise and direct.
In short, for many years priests have sexually abused of underage boys (as you will read the first link at the bottom but you can also remember all the services on TV) and the Church, thanks to a document called Crimen Sollicitationis, approved by Pope John XXIII (the famous "good pope") and always supported and enforced by the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, was able to cover everything.
Rather than complain about pedophile priests and protect the victims, the Church was the exact opposite, to silence them (reading the link at the bottom you'll understand how he did, shocking).
Until the beginning of the new millennium is the scandal exploded in the United States.
In January 2005 the District Court of Harris County (Texas) was charged with "obstructing justice" Joseph Ratzinger coverage for suspected cases of abuse by priests in the United States.
Only three months later, look at the case, Ratzinger was elected Pope
However, the Texas court date has not been won and this allocation is still in force but may not be tried because Ratzinger was greeted by President Bush its formal request for immunity as "head of state in charge." The
now you will understand the reason for this complicity between the two, at least by the Pope.
In short, Ratzinger was elected pope in order to cover with more strength and freedom of scandals that were ruining the image of the Church and can not be processed (imagine that audience would make the world a real process to the Pope ... but, since it is only a charge, nobody talks about it, nobody knows).

we do not want to believe everything you read so far, I just want to have started at least suspicion, doubt that the reality is not what anyone wants to make you think it is. Be
you think, do not let others think for you.
So I just want you to continue reading.
Below are links (you can copy-paste does not work if you click covers) to Internet web sites that contain useful information for understanding the truth about this story and showing that I have not invented anything, official information, this mail is not a stupid chain letter, like many others (there is also a BBC report, so there is no evidence false)

1) Here are the translation in Italian of the BBC report, complete with official video of the service (subtitles in Italian):
2) Here a ' iterates section on pedophilia and the clergy:
3) To bear witness that the Crimen Sollicitationis is not an invention, can be found even on Wikipedia, where content is reported his official
4) In this short article we talk about the meeting between Bush and Pope Benedict XVI when it was still President of the United States:
http://www.corriere.it/Primo_Piano/Esteri/2005/09_- - Settembre/20/papa.shtml


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