Thursday, February 25, 2010

Commercial Letters Hope The Offer

Autoforniture Cum Cum

Hello friends,
are two days that I think about the previous post and I laugh constantly, so I decided I wanted to know more about Mr. Charles, self-styled entrepreneur Orvieto.
At this point, after a quick investigation I found out what it takes, and I practically had an orgasm, just to stay in the theme of Charles Autoforniture cum, then Autoforniture of cum!
To those of you who follow my blog for a while will certainly be reminded of the legendary post Autochinotto ( and in fact is what inspired me to fax the following, not possessing, cum, an e-mail.

will want to use for your cooperation for a number of events we are organizing for the ANN (National Association of nymphomaniacs), a major supplier like you were looking for a long time but we were never able to find companies who could take charge of series all of our orders, we hope to work with you, with the greatest possible satisfaction for both.
Now we have some questions about your business:

-We wanted to first know what are the minimum amounts of sperm that must be ordered, it's okay to be just one truck or more than one?
-Measure the cum in liters or cubic meters?
-can ensure the freshness of the product?
-What type of sperm is, or rather, what kind of donors come from?
-can certify the good health of donors, you have reports of tests and eye tests for AIDS?
"What sets you apart and different from just a sperm bank?
-delivering to the entire peninsula?
-It 's possible to have free samples or test?

Thanks in advance for your cooperation, but always remember that you become blind exaggerating!


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