Sunday, July 26, 2009

Season Greetings Textto Write

a wonderful country.

Some officials living in another world. But this would not be too serious if it was not that they want us to believe that his world is also ours.

Guillermo Moreno is the star of the official government of K. This "gentleman" is the head of the INDEC (National Institute of Statistics and Census), the government agency responsible for collecting and processing statistics. It also analyzes economic and social indicators such as inflation, the index of consumer prices , the unemployment rate, and others. Moreno has made, by dint of threats and dismissal of employees, un'Argentina where there are unemployed, poverty, inflation, etc.. In these moments do not exist almost no other victims of the disease.

In the wonderful world that invented Moreno Argentina is a eternal pleasure trip. And all indicators of the last six years are useless. We lost an important part of the country's history and every day we lose a lot of people who leave there because of the INDEC "forgets" to see them. Well, it's the price to pay for a pleasure trip. No?


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